About us

FieldTrust actually delivers the Added Value, going beyond traditional distribution to provide innovative solutions that aim for growth for our vendor and reseller partners.

The why

Founded in 2016 by three passionate entrepreneurs, with a combined experience of over 40 years in IT distribution and channel management in Europe, FieldTrust was created to help and support ICT resellers, MSPs and integrators in their search and implementation of innovative solutions.

Finding the right fit amongst literally thousands of available software tools and putting them to good use is a tough and time-consuming job.

Sébastien, Christophe and Bart wanted to create a distribution service that went beyond just traditional service and license sales.  The goal was to offer a complete A to Z value added service with a series of pre-qualified, MSP friendly products to ICT providers, allowing them to save time and increase their productivity by using these solutions of which they know they are easily integrated into their businesses.

Browsing through our website, you will recognize our criteria in our solutions that grants them our seal of acceptance. 





Distributed since...

The how

When we consider adding a new product we first verify it against our criteria to determine if it fits to serve our partner network.  Next we thoroughly test the solution to see if it also meets the required technical standards.

Not every solution that is successful in the end user business environment is automatically ready to be used in the ICT services market.  They often need technical modifications or the licensing procedure needs to be reviewed.

More than once MSPs experience difficulties after implementing a new tool because the senior level team of the vendor does not see them as a priority and doesn’t place enough resources in the development and support towards their MSP customers.

At FieldTrust we make sure all requirements for an MSP friendly, ready to use product are met before presenting it to our resellers, so they can focus on their core-business; selling these solutions and installing them with their end user customers.

The what

Customer success

We are anything but just a sales driven organisation. We provide our reseller network with actual added value to our solutions. We deliver them hands-on trainings and education, useful information and advice on how to develop and grow their business using the right tools.
Our MSPs can count on our services helping them from their first steps with a solution over advanced technical and commercial guidance, up to troubleshooting and support.
Our general strategy with online resources, regular webinars, marketing campaign, … combined with our upclose personal approach has led to numerous successful collaborative deals with our reseller partners.

Sales & Operations

A reseller that decides to work with FieldTrust will be served by our sales team to help him find the best way to apply a solution within his business, technically as well as commercially.
Our people are technically trained and skilled for any situation. They can advise on licensing and fulfilment but also lead the way as a technical pre-sales and on-boarding specialist. Our sales services include pre-sales demonstrations, installation, set-up and configuration guidance, free trial follow-ups. However our service does not stop once a solution is in place with our reseller partners. We complete our services with pro-active sales support, configuration follow-ups and first line support.
Our operations department manages billing and licensing for over 400 active reseller partners allowing them to focus on their core-business knowing every detail of every document is guarded by FieldTrust in all flexibility.

Vendor Relations

We keep a close relationship with our vendors on a day-to-day basis to make sure we are able to deliver an impeccable service to our partners. Regular updates, feedback and discussions on the needs of our partners keep us and our vendors on top of every single deal.
Our radar is always on, scanning for new products. Assessing new potential vendors and their solutions are a substantial part of the time we spent.

We’re Fieldtrust !
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