Politique de confidentialité

FieldTrust and cookie use

A cookie is a file containing information about the behaviour of an internet user. This means it records preferences, such as the language chosen. From the technical perspective, a cookie is created by the server of the website visited but recorded on the user’s hard drive.

Some cookies are necessary to the functioning of the website www.FieldTrust.be. Others are used to draw up statistics allowing us to offer you a more enjoyable visit. We record preferences so that you do not have to choose your language on each visit for instance. There are different types of cookies. FieldTrust uses technical and third-party cookies.
The cookies are stored on your hard disk for a maximum of 12 months.

The cookies used by FieldTrust do not allow a person to be identified individually. Cookies do not contain any personal information so it cannot link you as a person to any name or surname. Only the IT system on which the cookie is stored can be identified via its IP address.

We use 2 types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies
    Via technical cookies, we are able to:
    – personalise our services for every user because your preferences are stored (choice of a language or currency…);
    – save you from having to make the same choices on each visit;
    – gather information that you provide via online forms.

Cookie Name

Expires after





Preserves user session state across page requests




This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.



30 days

Save language preference


Cookieagreed, cookieagreed2

1 year

Save cookies preference




Save search settings


  • Third-party cookies
    Via third-party cookies, we are able to:
    – improve the content and operation of our website and draw up statistics by using Google Analytics (see also the privacy policy or privacy guidelines of Google);
    – track some banners via DoubleClick (see also the privacy policy or privacy guidelines of DoubleClick).

Cookie Name

Expires after




1 day

Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website



2 years

Used to distinguish users



1 minute

Used to throttle request rate. (This cookie does not store any user information, it’s just used to limit the number of requests that have to be made to doubleclick.net)



6 months

These cookies are used by Google to display personalized advertisements on Google sites, based on recent searches and previous interactions.


Authorise or block cookies?

Most internet browsers are automatically configured to accept cookies. However, you can configure your browser to authorise or block cookies.

However, in the event of refusing cookies to be stored, FieldTrust cannot guarantee you access to all the services on its website.

More information on blocking cookies, depending on the browser:


Privacy Statement

This “Privacy Policy” regulates the processing of your personal data by the controller: FieldTrust, with registered office at 8550 Zwevegem, Slype 33A, Belgium, and recorded in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under the number BE 0647.644.749 (hereafter referred to as: “FieldTrust”).

Please read through this Privacy Policy carefully, since it contains your rights and duties vis-à-vis FieldTrust.

This Privacy & Cookie Policy can be reworked or updated from time to time, and so we recommend that you consult it again on a regular basis.

Article 1 – General

1.1. FieldTrust, by means of the present Privacy Policy, also puts itself into compliance with the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data.

1.2. The controller of your personal data is FieldTrust.

Article 2 – Personal data that you communicate to us

2.1.  during a visit to our Websites:

IP address;
If applicable: profile name, password, e-mail address, login data when registering on our database;

2.2.  when registering for our newsletters or information mails:

first name, name, e-mail address;

2.3.  as an employee:

name, address, e-mail address, telephone number;
photos and videos;
CV, motivation letters, notes made during the job interview;
information on education and work experience;
evaluation forms and results of any tests and assessments;
payroll information including national register number, address, seniority, civil status, bank account number, family composition, date of birth;
salary and salary sheets;

2.5.  as principal, customer or some other business relation:

name, e-mail address, telephone numbers, organsisation, VAT numberbank account number, function title

Article 3 – Personal data that we collect indirectly

3.1.  Public data of the principal, customer or some other business relation

FieldTrust sometimes processes public data, e.g.  data that are subject to a publication duty, such as the publication of your appointment as director of a company, or data that you made public yourself, such as information posted on your website, or data that are generally known in your region or that have appeared in the press.

Article 4 – Purposes of the processing

4.1. General purposes:

FieldTrust will use the gathered personal data exclusively for the following purposes:

  • IP address (see article 2.1): for looking after and improving this Website and including Personal Data in anonymous statistics, from which the identity of specific persons or companies cannot be discovered, with as legal basis the legitimate interests of FieldTrust in continuously improving its Website and provision of services;
  • profile name, password, e-mail address, login data (see article 2.1) when registering on our Websites : with a view to the management of your account on this Website, so as to be able to provide you the requested information or services and in order to comply with the statutory provisions. With as legal basis the execution of an agreement that was requested by you, and, if indicated by you, also the sending of direct marketing, with as legal basis your prior explicit consent;
  • e-mail address (when registering for our newsletters or information mails) (see article 2.2.): with a view to sending you newsletters, employment information, or information on planned activities (lectures, seminars, working lunches), with as legal basis your prior explicit consent;
  • name, e-mail address, telephone number, bank account number (see article 2.5): in order to be able to provide you the requested services and to comply with the statutory provisions, with as legal basis the execution of an agreement that was requested by you, and, if indicated by you, also the sending of direct marketing, with as legal basis your prior explicit consent.

You are never obliged to release your personal data, but you do understand that the granting of certain services becomes impossible if you refuse the processing.

4.2. Transfer to third parties:

FieldTrust will never pass on your personal data to third parties, with the exception of the branches of FieldTrust or one of its customers with a view to the employment, technical service providers who handle technical support in so far as this is necessary for the technical provision of services and/or if they are obliged to do so on the basis of a statutory provision or a judicial ruling.

FieldTrust shall make reasonable attempts to inform you in advance of the fact that FieldTrust discloses your data to named third parties, but you also acknowledge that this is not technically or commercially feasible under all circumstances.

FieldTrust will not sell your personal data, rent them out, share them or otherwise make them commercially available to third parties, except as described above or unless with your prior consent.

Article 5 – Duration of the processing

The personal data are kept and processed by us for a period that is necessary as a function of the purposes of the processing as described in article 4 and as a function of the contractual relationship between FieldTrust and you:

  • IP address (see article 2.1):  for the duration of your visit to the Website;
  • profile name, password, e-mail address, login data (and possibly profile picture) (see article 2.1) for the duration of the requested delivery of services;
  • e-mail address (when registering for the newsletter or information mails) (see article 2.2.): for the duration of the requested delivery of services and until 6 months after you have unsubscribed;
  • name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, payroll information, curriculum vitae, motivation letters, notes made during the job interview, information on education and work experience, evaluation forms and results of any tests and assessments, payroll information including national register number, address, seniority, civil status, bank account number, family composition, date of birth, salary and salary sheets (see article 2.3): for the duration of the requested delivery of services and the employment and in accordance with the applicable legislation;
  • Name, e-mail address, telephone number and bank account number (see article 2.4): for the duration of the requested delivery of services; The aforementioned personal data are in any case kept in accordance with the specific statutory provisions, as well as the prescription periods that oblige us to maintain your personal data for a longer period, e.g. in order to defend ourselves against an action at law.

Article 6 – Your rights

6.1. Right to information and access:

You have the right – at any time, free of charge – to take cognisance of your personal data, as well as of the use that FieldTrust is making of your personal data.

6.2. Right of rectification, erasure and restriction:

You are free to communicate your personal data, or not, to FieldTrust. In addition, you always have the right to ask us to correct, supplement or delete your personal data. You acknowledge that, in case of refusal to communicate or request for deletion of personal data, certain services and products are not deliverable.

You may also ask to restrict the processing of your personal data.

6.3. Right to object:

You also have the right to object against the processing of your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons.

In addition, you always have the right to object against the use of personal data for purposes of direct marketing; in such a case, you do not have to give any reasons.

6.4. Right of free data portability:

You have the right to obtain your Personal Data that are processed by us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form and/or to transfer them to other controllers.

6.5. Right to withdraw consent:

In so far as the processing is based on your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent.

6.6. Exercising your rights:

You can exercise your rights by contacting us for this purpose via email to privacy@fieldtrust.be and by adding a copy of the recto side of your identity card.

6.7. Automatic decisions and profiling:

The processing of your Personal Data does not include any profiling, nor will you be subject by us to automated decisions.

6.8. Right to file a complaint:

You have the right to file a complaint with the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy, rue de la presse 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, e-mail: commission@privacycommission.be.

This leaves intact the possibility of seeking relief before a civil court.

If you should suffer harm as a result of the processing of your personal data, you can file a damages claim.

Article 7 – Security and confidentiality

7.1. We have developed security measures that are appropriate on the technical and organisational levels to prevent the destruction, loss, falsification, modification, unauthorised access or accidental disclosure to third parties of collected personal data as well as any other unauthorised processing of these data.

7.2. Under no circumstances can FieldTrust be held liable for any direct or indirect harm deriving from an erroneous or wrongful use by a third party of the personal data. FieldTrust have ensured that when they call upon third parties for the processing of personal data, these third parties shall be bound by the same rules.

7.3. You must at all times observe the security rules. You are thus solely responsible for the use that is made as of the Website from your computer, IP address and from your identification data, as well as for the confidentiality thereof.

Article 8 – Access by third parties

8.1. In order to be able to process your personal data, we grant access to your personal data to our employees.

8.2. We guarantee an identical level of protection by making contractual obligations that are opposable to these employees and agents and which are identical to this Privacy Policy.

Article 9 – Applicable law and competent court

This Privacy Policy is governed by, interpreted and executed in accordance with Belgian law, which is solely applicable.

The courts of Brussels have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any dispute that should arise from the interpretation or execution of this Privacy Policy.

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